I loved the challenge over on the American Crafts Blog. Especially the idea of making a recipe layout, which didn't actually use a food recipe. So here is my take.
The journaling reads:
Our Family Recipe 11-2010
(Takes a great amount of time and patience, but worth the effort.)
Infinity of Love
Fill to the top, when full, add more. You'll find there is always room for more.
Bucketfuls of Laughter
Armor of God (1 suit per person)
Gallons of Imagination
Fishing (I like just a pinch, but most prefer a lot more.)
Scores of Communing w/Nature
Scoops and Scoopes of Adventure
A Kiloliter of Hard Work
Tons of Support
Bushels of Compromise
Heaps of Extended Family
A Hundredweight of Crazy Chaos
Sprinkle w/Cuddle Time
15 Pets
Many Pounds of Paint, Tape, Bandaids, Tylenol, and Glue
Dash of Green Food Coloring
Stir, fold, roll, and encourage together. Never beat. Work at it always...and enjoy!
Supplies: Patterned Paper, Thickers, Rub-ons (American Crafts); Cardstock (We R Memory Keepers); Black Pen